Character design for a game
The background story of this character is as follows: there is a playground for a hunting game, where people can come together, split into two teams and hunt a special sphere-shaped target-robot with the weapons of their choice. The goal is to find it and shoot right through the hole in the middle of it as many times as possible. The team that hits most often wins.
This robot character here is one of the standard substitute team-players. It comes into the game in case there are not enough people to form two teams. It can play as a team player with humans, or a team of robots can be formed to play against a team of people. The level of robots' skills can be adjusted to match that of human opponents.
The anatomy of this robot imitates that of humans so that it has similar advantages and challenges. This robot has some attributes of tribal peoples' outfits because the playground is themed as an area where hunters catch prey.
digital illustration, made on iPad pro

Target-robot concept