Visual identity concept for Tysnesfest.
Tysnesfest is a summer music festival that takes place annually on the island of Tysnes in west Norway. Apart from a range of different music concerts, the festival offers its visitors various local food and different activities that often have something to do with water and boats.
The location and the local community are held high in the value system of the festival. Its purpose is to develop the local network, promote local businesses, highlight local nature and architecture, and attract positive publicity for the island of Tysnes.
The festival strives to attract a manifold audience. It invites various music artists that appeal to all ages and family compositions. It is mainly popular among the western Norway population but welcomes Norwegian and international artists and participants.
Learn more about the festival on their website: www.tysnesfest.no
The festival strives to attract a manifold audience. It invites various music artists that appeal to all ages and family compositions. It is mainly popular among the western Norway population but welcomes Norwegian and international artists and participants.
Learn more about the festival on their website: www.tysnesfest.no
• Learn about the festival's value system, purposes, and audience, and reflect them in the visual concept proposals.
• Create a recognizable and flexible visual identity system that can be adjusted to a broad range of promotion and merch products.
• Create a cohesive unity of a logo, typography, and color.
• Show examples of the system application.
