This is an attention grabbing sticker that was intended to be a reminder to the travelers to get rid of their water bottles before proceeding to the luggage control belts.
According to research, absurd is one of the best ways to grab peoples attention. Our eye is automatically caught by incongruities because our brain perceives them as a potential threat and instinctively focuses on them.
So I used absurd in my picture to catch the peoples attention and remind them to think of their own water bottles.
I have played with the material and the function of the water bottles changing them to something unrealistic in order to create absurd. However, I have kept the shape of he bottles recognizable, anchoring the picture to reality.
Here is the link to the research on absurd that I am referring to: Effectiveness of Absurdity in Advertising Across Cultures by Katja Gelbrich , Daniel Gäthke & Stanford A. Westjohn.
• Come up with an idea how to make an attention grabbing picture out of a water bottle.
• Create a drawing based on the idea.
• Make sure that it can be used as a sticker on a particular type of garbage container used in the Schiphol airport. Prepare the image for printing.